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Frankie B.
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About Us
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Eyre Peninsula Schools
Local Delivery Service
The Eyre Peninsula Secondary Alliance is a network of schools with secondary student enrolments on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia who work collaboratively to deliver and promote comprehensive secondary education to regional students.
By collaborating and combining resources, we aim to maximise the learning opportunities, career pathways and educational outcomes for students in our schools. The alliance uses Local Delivery models to share subjects between sites in a range of SACE and Vocational (VET) courses.
For information about EPSA click the link below.
Eyre Peninsula Secondary Alliance: Operational Guidelines
Andrew Stanley
LDS Co-ordinator & teacher
Andrew Stanley
LDS subjects:
Physics Stage 1 & 2
Chemistry Stage 1 & 2
Bio: Eyre Peninsula resident.
Michaela Webb
LDS Teacher
Michaela Webb
LDS subject:
Psychology Stage 1 & 2
Bio: Eyre Peninsula resident
Jake Miell
LDS Math teacher
Jake Miell
LDS subject: Math
Math Methods Stage 1 & 2
Specialist Math Stage 1 & 2
Bio: Eyre Peninsula resident
Annie Richter
LDS Math Teacher
Annie Richter
LDS subject:
Biology Stage 1
Bio: Eyre Peninsula resident
We are teachers who use problem solving and creative thinking, who love collaborating with our students, to build success and share our passion for learning
come & work with us
If you’re thinking about becoming a Local Delivery teacher or want to learn more about working with us, then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.